The idea behind bjö was to make some kind of combination between a blog and a portfolio - a perfect environment for displaying my projects. This is the current result. Enjoy and...


my projects


Since my first introduction to adobe Illustrator (during high school) i’ve been a dedicated fan of simple drawings and vector-graphics. When i moved out, and needed decoration for the very white walls of my apartment it was obvious that i had to try drawing some posters by myself. The only problem is that i now have to choose, which ones that are going to be produced.


Here are some wallpapers that i’ve produced throughout the years. They are quite simple, but with the features of geektool - a software which can build in information, such as time, weekday, month, year, etc. - a simple wallpaper can really come to life.

make your own wow

MakeYourOwnWoW is a competition announced by Dwayne Wades shoe- and sportswear sponsor Li-Ning. As i was studying for my exams i discovered it on Twitter, and decided to compete. The competition regarded the shoe WOW 3.0, which you had to make your own colorway for. My design is shown directly below this text. A bit later Way Of Wade announced the post (further below) on their twitter profile. For some reason the colors look a bit weird. But anyways... i’ve always been a great fan of D-Wade and feel so blessed to be the winner.


Hi i’m the one hiding behind the facade of bjö

My name is Thor Bjørn Mortensen (hence bjö and i was born in Denmark in ’94. i’ve always had a passion for design, architecture, construction, mechanics and geometry, yet i’m not highly educated in this field.

If you like my work, or would like to contact me, feel free to follow me on Twitter.
